what happened to the photos of hillary clinton in south america during the secret service scandal?


History Dept.

The Hugger-mugger Lives of Hillary and Bill in the White House

Broken lamps, shouting matches, sneaking away to the puddle—and other scenes from the Clinton residence during the Lewinsky scandal.

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White Business firm Florist Ronn Payne remembers i day during the Clinton presidency when he was coming up the service elevator with a cart to pick up old floral arrangements and saw ii butlers gathered outside the W Sitting Hall listening in as the Clintons argued viciously with each other. The butlers motioned him over and put their fingers to their lips, telling him to exist quiet. All suddenly he heard the first lady bellow "goddamn bastard!" at the president—and and so he heard someone throw a heavy object beyond the room. The rumor among the staff was that she threw a lamp. The butlers, Payne said, were told to clean upwardly the mess. In an interview with Barbara Walters, Mrs. Clinton fabricated light of the story, which had made its fashion into the gossip columns. "I take a pretty good arm," she said. "If I'd thrown a lamp at somebody, I think you lot would accept known about information technology."

Payne wasn't surprised at the flare-up. "You heard so much foul linguistic communication" in the Clinton White House, he said. "When you lot're somebody'southward domestic, you lot know what'south going on."

Every bit a White House reporter for Bloomberg News, I traveled around the world on Air Force 1 and on Air Strength Ii—filing reports from Mongolia, Japan, Poland, French republic, Portugal, Red china and Colombia—but the nigh fascinating story turned out to be right in forepart of me every day: the men and women who have care of the first family unit, who share a trigger-happy loyalty to the institution of the American presidency.

In the more than 100 interviews with current and former White House staffers, senior advisers, and former first ladies and their children I conducted for my new volume, The Residence, I had an unprecedented wait at what it's like for those who devote their lives to caring for the first family.

It wasn't ever easy to get them to open up up to me; most recent and current residence workers follow a long-established code of ethics that values discretion and the protection of the first family's privacy to a higher place all else. But afterwards lunches and coffees, and hours spent on living room couches, these staffers eventually did share with me many of their personal memories, from pocket-sized acts of kindness to episodes of acrimony and despair, from personal quirks and foibles to intense rivalries and unlikely friendships—painting an extraordinary portrait of what it's like to work in the most famous, and best protected house in the U.s..


In Nov 1995, Clinton began an affair with Monica Lewinsky, a 22-year-former former White House intern. He had almost a dozen sexual encounters with her over the next yr and a half, virtually of them in the Oval Office. Though the public did not learn about Monica Lewinsky until January 1998, some residence workers knew about the affair when it was nevertheless occurring. The butlers saw the president and Lewinsky in the family unit motion-picture show theater, and the 2 of them were seen together so ofttimes that the workers started letting one another know when they'd had a Lewinsky sighting. The butlers, who are closest to the family, zealously baby-sit such secrets, but from fourth dimension to fourth dimension they share fragments of stories with their colleagues—because the information could be useful, or sometimes just to prove their access.

I household staffer, who asked not to exist named, remembers standing in the primary hallway behind the kitchen that was used by East Wing and West Wing aides. "That's her—that's the girlfriend," a butler whispered, nudging her as Lewinsky walked by. "Aye, she's the one. She was in the theater the other night."

Hillary certainly knew, likewise. Virtually two decades later, many residence workers are still wary of discussing the fights they witnessed between the Clintons. Just they all felt the general gloom that hung over the second and third floors as the Lewinsky saga dragged on throughout 1998.

The residence staff witnessed the fallout from the affair and the toll it took on Hillary Clinton, but Westward Wing aides had long suspected the kind of drama that was playing out on the second floor of the executive mansion. "She would take hit him with a frying pan if one had been handed to her," said the start lady's close friend and political adviser Susan Thomases in an interview with the Miller Center at the University of Virginia for their drove of oral histories documenting Bill Clinton's presidency. "I don't call up she ever in her mind imagined leaving him or divorcing him." (Hillary Clinton'due south spokesperson did non respond to requests for annotate on this article.)

Betty Finney, at present 78, started as a White Business firm maid in 1993. She spent most of her time in the family'southward private quarters and remembers well how things inverse in those final years. "Things were definitely more tense. You just felt bad for the unabridged family and what they were going through," she says. "You lot could feel the sadness. There wasn't as much laughter."

Florist Bob Scanlan was less guarded near the temper: "Information technology was similar a morgue when yous'd get up to the second flooring. Mrs. Clinton was nowhere to be found."

During the superlative of the drama, Hillary routinely missed afternoon appointments. The details of running the executive mansion, understandably, took a backseat to saving her hubby'southward presidency and their marriage. For three or four months in 1998, the president slept on a sofa in a private written report attached to their sleeping accommodation on the second floor. Near of the women on the residence staff thought he got what he deserved.

Even Butler James Ramsey, a self-proclaimed ladies' man, blushed when the subject came up. He said Clinton was his "buddy, simply … come on now." Every bit usual, during the Lewinsky scandal Ramsey said he kept his "mouth close."

Some on the staff have said that Hillary knew about Lewinsky long before it came out, and that what really upset her was non the affair itself but its discovery and the media feeding frenzy that followed.

The first lady's temper was notoriously curt during those difficult months. Butler James Hall remembers serving coffee and tea in the Blue Room during a reception for a strange leader. Suddenly, the outset lady approached him while he was still standing behind the bar.

"You must accept been staring into space!" she upbraided him. " Ihad to have the prime minister's wife's cup. … She was finished and looking for some place to put it." Hall was dumbfounded—other butlers were working the reception with trays collecting drinks, and his job was to serve the drinks—but he knew that defending himself would be pointless. Clinton complained to the Usher's Office, and Hall wasn't asked back for a month.

"Working at that place during the impeachment wasn't bad," said former storeroom manager Bill Hamilton, but he agreed that working with Mrs. Clinton in those difficult months was a claiming. "It was just so overwhelming for her and if you said something to her she'd snap," Hamilton recalled, shaking his head. Still, he says that he loved working for the Clintons, and although he retired in 2013, he sometimes wishes he had stayed at the White House, knowing that Hillary Clinton might one mean solar day return as America'south start female president. He says he would dearest to work for her again, even after the tumult of her viii years in the residence.

He is entirely sympathetic toward the first lady in those darkest days. "It happened and she knew it happened and everybody was looking at her," Hamilton said.

Pastry Chef Roland Mesnier said he wanted to assist Hillary experience amend in whatever way he could. Her favorite dessert was mocha block, and at the height of the scandal, he recalls, "I fabricated many, many mocha cakes. Y'all better believe it," he said, chuckling. In the late afternoons, Hillary would phone call the Pastry Store. In a small, unassuming voice—a far cry from her usual strong, self-confident tone—she'd enquire, "Roland, tin can I have a mocha cake tonight?"

One sunny weekend in August 1998, merely earlier the president made his confession to the country, the first lady chosen Usher Worthington White with an unusual request.

"Worthington, I want to get to the pool but I don't want to see everyoneexcept y'all," she said.

"Yep, ma'am, I understand," he replied sympathetically.

White knew exactly what she meant. She did not desire to see her Clandestine Service detail, she did not desire to see anyone tending to the White House'south extensive grounds, and she certainly did not want to see anyone on a tour of the W Wing. "She wasn't up for any of that," he recalled. She simply wanted a few hours of peace.

White told her he would need 5 minutes to clear the premises. He ran to find her lead Secret Service agent and told him they would have to work together to get in happen. And fast.

"Information technology was a 20-second chat but I know what she meant. 'If anybody sees her, or she sees anybody, I'thou going to get fired, I know it,'" he told the agent. "'And you probably will likewise.'"

So the Cloak-and-dagger Service agents assigned to protect the get-go lady agreed to trail her, even though protocol calls for one agent to walk ahead of her and one to walk behind.

"She's not going to turn around and look for you," White told them. "She just doesn't desire to run across your confront. And she doesn't want you looking at her face."

He met Clinton at the lift and escorted her to the pool with the agents walking behind them and no one else in sight. She was wearing red reading spectacles and she was carrying a couple of books. She didn't have on any makeup and her hair wasn't washed. To White, she seemed heartbroken.

They didn't exchange a single give-and-take on the walk to the pool.

"Ma'am, practice you demand any butler service?" White asked her after she got settled in.


"You need anything at all?"

"No, information technology's only a beautiful 24-hour interval and I want to just sit here and bask some sunshine. I'll call you when I'grand ready to go back."

"Okay, ma'am," White replied. "It'south twelve o'clock now, and I go off at 1 and someone else will be in."

Clinton looked attentively at him. "I'll call youswhen I'm washed."

"Aye, ma'am," White replied, knowing that that meant he would have to stay until whenever she chose to exit. He didn't become the phone call until nearly 3-thirty that afternoon.

When he returned, White accompanied the outset lady on some other wordless walk from the puddle to the 2d floor. Before she stepped off the elevator, the besieged first lady let him know how much his efforts meant to her.

"She grabbed me past my hands and gave them a little squeeze and looked me directly in my optics and but said, 'Thank you lot.' "

"It touched my centre," White said of her gratitude. "It meant the globe to me."

A few of the household workers even institute themselves dragged into the unfolding drama. At one point, Houseman Linsey Piddling was called to the second floor to reply questions about the affair. When he got upstairs, he was met by an intimidating federal agent, who asked him if he'd ever seen Lewinsky earlier. No, he answered nervously.

"They want to brand you feel like they recall you know something," he said. He insists that he'd never seen annihilation untoward, just fifty-fifty if he had, he admits he would take been reluctant to risk his job and end upward on the news himself. "They'd have your name upwardly in brilliant lights," he said.

Mesnier described 1998 every bit a "very sad time" watching two brilliant people consumed by scandal. And similar and then many others, he felt terrible for the Clintons' girl, Chelsea.

In an iconic photograph taken August eighteen, 1998, the 24-hour interval subsequently her father's embarrassing access, Chelsea held both of her parents' hands as they walked to the helicopter on the South Lawn. Mesnier shook his caput at the thought of what the young woman went through. "Chelsea was absolutely the sweetest person you'll ever run across, and so to see them going through a stupid thing like this? Stupid. In that location was a lot of hardship."


In a house where even a minor scrap of gossip could make national headlines, Beak and Hillary Clinton had a hard time learning to trust the staff. The reason they inverse the White Firm telephone organization was to ensure that no one could heed in on their private conversations—a movement that frustrated the ushers, who had a trusted organisation in place for the purpose of directing calls.

When a call came in for a member of the first family, an operator would call the call box in the Conductor'due south Part. "If it was a phone call for the first lady, nosotros'd put a little key in the first lady's slot and information technology would ring a bell with her code so she could pick up any phone that was up at that place shut by and the operator would connect her," Skip Allen explained. "That went in during the Carter administration because there were so many people living at the White House at the time that everybody had their own specific ring. The president would have just the i ring, the outset lady would accept two rings, and Chelsea would have three short rings."

The Clintons, Allen said, decided that "too many people could mind in on them" under the sometime phone organisation, and then they had all the White House phones changed over to interior circuitry so that if the first lady was in the chamber and the president was in the study she could ring him from room to room without going through the operator. "That kind of negated the security of the phone arrangement. Then anybody could choice upwards upstairs in whatsoever room," Allen said, nevertheless exasperated by the modify.

The Clintons' preoccupation with secrecy made relations with the staff "cluttered" for their unabridged 8 years in office, Allen said. At least one residence worker, Florist Wendy Elsasser, attributes their anxiety to parental concerns: "I call up protecting Chelsea may accept had a lot to practice with, for lack of a ameliorate term, their standoffishness with the staff."

But it seems clear that the Clintons had little reason to worry about the residence staff leaking any secrets. Even now, years later, most staffers keep quiet when asked about what went on behind closed doors. Discretion is built into the Dna of near of them; they know that their restraint is fundamental to the protection of the presidency—and that, without information technology, life in the executive mansion would be impossible to endure.


Conductor Skip Allen admits that information technology was easier to serve the families he liked than information technology was to pretend.

"But we pretend very well," he said.

Allen cannot hide his reservations nigh the Clintons. Over dejeuner by the puddle at his large home in rural Pennsylvania, he fondly recalled how Mrs. Clinton e'er asked him to help her past tying bows on her outfits, something she couldn't practise herself. Merely he said the Clintons never fully trusted the residence staff and were especially suspicious of the Usher's Office. "They were about the near paranoid people I'd ever seen in my life."

Allen isn't the merely ane with biting memories of the Clinton White Business firm. Usher Chris Emery, who had been close with the Bushes, remembers feeling unduly scrutinized by the Clintons. In the 14 months he served them, he says, he was subjected to three drug tests and a background bank check that he was not due to have for several years. He says that some of the questions he was asked—including what church he belonged to—were unusually personal, and so he refused to reply them. "I call up they were just trying to observe something to make it easier [to fire me]." He sighed. And, indeed, when Emery was fired from the White Firm in 1994, it was in part considering of a favor he had done for one-time kickoff lady Barbara Bush-league.

During the start Bush assistants, Emery had been very helpful to Mrs. Bush. "We were very shut. Chris taught me how to use a computer," she told me. After leaving the White House, she was working on her memoir when she lost a chapter, so she chosen on Emery for help. Emery was happy to oblige—but the favor fueled the Clintons' suspicion that the staff was also fastened to the Bush family. When the Clintons saw the usher's call logs, Emery said, they "came to the conclusion that I was sharing deep, nighttime secrets with the Bushes in Houston. Which I wasn't."

A short time later, Chief Usher Gary Walters chosen Emery into his part.

"Mrs. Clinton is not comfortable with you," Walters told him. "What does that hateful?" Emery asked, stunned. "Information technology means tomorrow is your terminal day." Barbara Bush admits that her phone calls to Chris "acquired trouble." Emery was scolded in public for "an amazing lack of discretion," in the words of Hillary's spokesman Neel Lattimore. "Nosotros believe the position that he had, as a member of the residence staff, requires the utmost respect for the commencement family's privacy."

Emery says he was devastated at the loss of his job, and his $l,000 salary. "I was out of piece of work for a year," he says. "They ripped the carpeting right out from nether me. You wonder what they'd do to someone who's actually powerful." When he made information technology abode that night, the first call he got was from Barbara Bush's assistant, saying that the Bushes had heard the news and wanted to help however they could. "The next call I got was from Maggie Williams's function [she was Hillary Clinton'southward chief of staff], saying that if I get any calls from the printing I should direct them back to the White Business firm. I immediately thought, 'Well, of course, that's what we always do.' I hung up the phone and I said, 'Wait a minute. They just fired me!' "

All these years subsequently, Emery told me sadly, he understands why he was fired. "She was facing so many pressures," he says of Mrs. Clinton, "and unfortunately I was a victim."

Merely at to the lowest degree one former colleague of Emery's disputes his claims. This person, who spoke on the status of anonymity, said that the Clintons were right to be paranoid about the residence workers, many of whom had served Republican presidents for 12 years. According to this source, "Everybody in the Usher's Office was upset when President Bush-league 41 was not reelected … and they showed information technology in front of the Clintons." Emery, in item, was a "Republican from the top of his head to the tips of his toes," co-ordinate to this source, and Emery himself says that he would have gone to California with the Reagans after they left function if they'd asked him.

Emery may not always have hidden his feelings around the Clintons. According to his colleague, equally President Clinton came downward from the second floor to attend an event one twenty-four hours, Emery said, "I can't empathise why everybody has an orgasm when he'due south effectually." He made these kinds of comments loudly enough for Clinton aides to hear, his colleague said.

The Clintons may also have had good reason to exist concerned most their security particular. They were still reeling from claims made by Arkansas state troopers assigned to protect Governor Clinton who after told the press that they had helped facilitate Clinton'southward extramarital affairs, in what came to be known as "Troopergate."

One incident particularly worried the Clintons. Belatedly ane night in 1994, while they were at Camp David celebrating Easter, Chelsea'southward former nanny and White House staff assistant, Helen Dickey, was in her third-floor room at the White Firm when she heard noises coming from the family's living quarters 1 floor beneath. When she went to see what was going on, she constitute a group of men dressed in blackness carrying weapons and rummaging through the Clintons' things.

"What are you doing? You have no right to be here," she yelled. "We're Secret Service doing our job. Get out," they told her. When Hillary returned, she asked Master Usher Gary Walters for an explanation. He apologized for forgetting to tell her that the agents were sweeping the second flooring to see if there were any listening devices. She was livid.

The Clintons cherished their time alone. In a 1993 interview, Hillary Clinton said she loved the second floor of the White House considering it was the only place where the Secret Service didn't trail her family unit. "We can tell the full-time help that they can get off. We don't have to have them up in that location," she said. "That'southward a wonderful feeling, because everywhere else nosotros are we've got people around us all the time."

By about accounts, Chelsea Clinton treated the residence staff with respect. Yet Ronn Payne believes that she had internalized some of her parents' animosity toward the Secret Service. In the very commencement of the Clinton administration, agents were stationed on the second-floor staircase landing, correct by the president'southward elevator. Another Secret Service post was at the elevation of the Thousand Staircase across from the Treaty Room on the 2nd floor. (These posts were later moved to the State Floor at the Clintons' request.)

One day, co-ordinate to Payne, he was walking through the second-flooring private kitchen when an amanuensis walked in behind him waiting to escort Chelsea to Sidwell Friends, the private schoolhouse she attended in northwest Washington. Chelsea was on the phone.

"Oh, I've got to go," she told her friend. "The pigs are here."

The agent turned "crimson," Payne recalls. "Ms. Clinton, I want to tell you something. My job is to stand up between yous, your family, and a bullet. Do yous sympathise?"

She replied: "Well, that'due south what my mother and father call you."

Correction: Due to an editing error, an before version of this article set the opening ancdote in 1998.


Source: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/04/clinton-white-house-the-residence-excerpt-116706

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